Thursday, December 4, 2008

Well, Harper prorogued Parliament, which is really the least dramatic of the decisions that could have been made at this point. It was, selfishly, the last option I had hoped would go through, since it means I'm suddenly out of a job until January 26th. And maybe even after THAT, if the coalition rejects the budget (which they probably will) and Jean calls an election. All Harper is doing right now is postponing the inevitable. I can't say that I blame him, really. A coalition in power would really put a damper on his holidays.

I'm still trying to figure out how my money is going to hold out. I get paid on Wednesday, so that will be my first clear indication.

In other, far more important news, Ash doesn't have cancer. She won't even need the procedure that would have taken a closer look. Huzzah!


sasta said...

I have you know I just yelled "Go David." at one of my collegues who is also named David without even noticing I did it.

David said...

Did he go?