Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm a big fan of Reese Puffs cereal. I eat it for breakfast almost everyday. Today I was buying Reese Puffs at the grocery store and I noticed a quiz written on the back of the box.

Reese Puffs 18 Things To Do Before You're 18

01. Ride the world's biggest rollercoaster.
02. Bungee jump!
03. Score the winning goal/basket.
04. Win an award, trophy or prize.
05. Learn an instrument.
06. Go backstage at a gig.
07. Meet your idol.
08. Play a part in your favorite TV show.
09. Meet someone with your own name.
10. Make a discovery.
11. Get away with the perfect practical joke.
12. Own a pointless collection.
13. Invent a word that makes it into the dictionary. (Ambitious.)
14. Conquer your biggest fear.
15. Raise money for charity.
16. Pass your driving test the first time.
17. Complete a road trip coast to coast.
18. Reach 18 years of age.

That's not a bad list. I'm turning 29 years old tomorrow. For a little while I've been building a list of things I'd like to do before I'm 30. Here's what I've got so far:

Things To Do Before I'm 30

01. Record an album of at least 10 songs.
02. Play a show in support of the album.
03. Write the first draft of a novel.
04. Make a music video.
05. Share a kiss while overlooking Paris.
06. Drink a beer in an authentic Irish pub.
07. Appear in a film.

I have a head start on a couple of those. I'd really like to go into my 30's thinking that I've done all I could to have some amazing experiences. I think I'll ask my younger friends what they'd like to accomplish before they turn 30, and try to come up with some more.


Asha said...

Reese's was encouraging you to bungee jump?

David said...

Not me. 17-year-olds.