Sunday, November 2, 2008

I went with Andrea and Christine to see Zack and Miri Make a Porno yesterday. I'm a huge Kevin Smith fan, and I thought the film was funny, but I was left with the sense that I want him to start getting into other territory. Kevin's an intelligent guy and a great writer, but he's notorious for calling himself a shitty director. He doesn't have a lot of faith in himself, and I think it prevents him from breaking out of the comedic mold he's been in for a few years now. It's still good stuff, but he really needs to move on to the great stuff that a movie like Dogma suggested he's capable of producing. I know he's got a horror flick in the pipeline and I'd be very interested to see how he can expand his repertoire a bit.

Clocks went back and I'm having a hard time adjusting. I think Andrea had a pretty good birthday overall. Her birthday/Halloween party was fun while it lasted. A lot of people turned out. The next morning we went to the diner and later on we watched Peep Show and had dinner at the Royal Oak during what I'm going to term "homeless karaoke" - the karaoke of the indigent looking for a warm room.

I'm set on finally finishing Headhunter this week. I also got a bit of writing done. Hopefully I'll be hearing about the job tomorrow.

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