Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gloucester Street Spring Break Journals (Day Five)

It's been a busy day, and now, at the end of it, I'm sitting across the room from four televisions hooked up to a DVD player through an RF modulator and stacked on top of one another. I've unplugged them so as to not cause an electrical fire. I watched some footage on them and they create a pretty hypnotizing effect, especially when I alter the picture settings individually. Should be fun to play around with them.

Hanging out with Jim was fun, but I do get the feeling that he's disappointed that we don't see much at all of each other anymore. We're living different lives. His life is his marriage, his job, his house and car. And maybe that's not so different from what constitutes my life, but we've drifted apart. Our interests and social lives stopped overlapping a while ago. But hell, it sure was nice of him to cart me around while I looted thrift shops in the west end. That's something a true friend would do. I certainly appreciated his help. And talking with him was engaging, because I'm finding myself becoming more interested in what has interested him for years.

The President of the United States was in town today. He briefly waved to a crowd of thousands strong on Parliament Hill before sending for a BeaverTail from his limo en route to the airport, initiating the most pride this city has felt in months in the process. O'Connor Street was packed with cars today as part of Elgin and the streets closer to Parliament were shut down. I even saw a couple of cars drive the wrong way down Gilmour to some energetic honking from oncoming traffic and pedestrians. It's days like today I feel grateful that I live within walking distance of most amenities.

I finished off "Born a Ghost", which can be heard on the Wire and Light myspace. The mixer works great. The next step is making a video, hopefully soon, with Ian's help. I just have to figure out the mechanics of staging it in the apartment.

Right now I'm watching Back to the Future with the producers' commentary track on. After this week I'm going to start eating healthier. I think I've been putting on weight and I don't give much of a damn these days about the food I've been eating. Time to change that attitude.

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