Monday, September 15, 2008

Another application is sent off into the ether. Though I know PH received it, because they emailed me back to ask me to reformat my writing sample.

I think I've figured out a direction for a character in my novel. He does a very bad thing and I wasn't certain what motivates him to do it, but things slid into place last night as I was lying in bed trying to work it out. I just have to WRITE IT. But it's going to require a bit of research first, and disturbing research at that. Tough, but I never want to feel as though I'm closing myself off to reality if being open to it is necessary.

The Way the Crow Flies is building effectively. It opens with a poetic description of the murder scene of an unidentified young girl, and after 125 pages it returns to the scene again, leaving the reader wondering how the dots will be connected. Very effective tension. I loved Fall On Your Knees and while this novel only has flashes of that novel's storytelling process I'm still a big fan of MacDonald's prose.

Last night Andrea and I watched Clueless in bed. I'd never seen it. It was light fare punctuated with moments of self-awareness here and there that made it enjoyable. It certainly prescribes a healthy dose of kitschy mid-90's pop culture, for better or for "oh god what were they thinking?". Side note: I watched The Princess Bride earlier in the day, so yesterday turned out to be a Wallace Shawn-fest. I now have a huge craving to take in My Dinner With Andre again.

1 comment:

Asha said...

I'm glad PHI acknowledged your application. My fingers are crossed for you. I think you would do well here.