Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's shaping up to be an eventful weekend. The In/Words open mic is tonight, Andrea and I are seeing Jon Lajoie perform at Zaphod's tomorrow night, then I'm having a housewarming on Saturday.

I finished reading The Way the Crow Flies. It's an absolutely riveting mystery narrative rich in detail that brought tears to my eyes at times. She doesn't hit every single note right in the last quarter, but does enough to make it more than worth the read. I feel as though I've picked up some pointers about how to write certain psychological profiles reading it. Yesterday I started Richard Yates' Revolutionary Road, which most will become familiar with as the movie coming out this fall that reunites Leonardo DiCaprio with Kate Winslet. Sam Mendes is directing it and the material feels right up his alley - a 50's suburbanite couple yearns to break out of the mold that "settling down" has trapped them within. Pretty interesting stuff so far, but it's definitely a guy's narrative.

My apartment still smells like paint. I'm trying to get rid of it once and for all using fresh air and vinegar.