Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I got the words written last night. They came to me in the middle of reading The Way the Crow Flies, so I set the book down and went at it. Wrote more than I planned, until it was finished. Miraculously, MacDonald's book is touching on a lot of experiences and emotions that I'm attempting to communicate in the novel. It's giving me ideas, and at the same time I don't feel as though I'm ripping it off.

While I was in London last I picked up a copy of The Squid and the Whale, which I'd never seen until I watched it last night. Being that I'm in love with movies about writers and the writing life, I can't believe it had eluded me for so long. It made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion. It has flashes of Wes Anderson's brand of darker family comedy, but it's more merciless in its portrayals. A fantastic script. Jesse Eisenberg (who was great alongside Campbell Scott in Roger Dodger and was about three years too early to achieve Michael Cera's current popularity) has a great line: "I never envisioned myself as the type of person who would end up in this position." That is purely a line of dialogue pulled out of my young-adult head.

The salad turned out phenomenally.

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