Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The song is done. Download it here. Give it a listen. The song is called "No Time Left." I'm calling the band Wire and Light. I'm going to try hard to ensure it won't be the last song I'll record.

I think my drive to be creative lately has put an atmosphere in place in the apartment, constantly reminding me that there's something I should be reading/writing. It hangs over me, I breathe it in, whenever I'm indoors, and it keeps me active. I started reading Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee last night and I'm forty pages from the end. I couldn't put it down today.

I've been thinking about picking up a record player lately and starting a vinyl collection of my favorite records. Yesterday Matt, Carly and I went to Vertigo to browse LP's. A player is going to end up costing me about $250, so I'm not going to get it up and running immediately.

Andrea came over last night and I showed her a bunch of stuff from my college days. Apparently the college version of me was cute, even without facial hair.

The TV arrives tomorrow. I'm beyond excited.


Andrea Wrobel said...

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Daviiiiiii! You're so cuuuuuuuuuute, omg!" ♥

Andrea Wrobel said...

(Even without the beard, love.)

Amanda Earl said...

i enjoyed the song. it had a dream like quality. i found the music drowned out your voice in places and would have liked to have been able to hear the lyrics more clearly, but still...a great beginning. creativity suits you :)