Sunday, August 31, 2008

Today was as creatively productive as days get for me. After Andrea left I made breakfast and spent the day reading, writing and working on music. The song I've been working on is ready for bass and vocals. Recording a song was the only goal I set for myself this summer and it looks like I'll accomplish it just in time.

Andrea came over last night for dinner and we watched the end of Batman Begins, which construction work at Riverside had kept us from finishing. She crashed before midnight and I tried, but ended up on the couch for a couple of hours reading. Andrea and I are on different sleep schedules right now because she's been working quite a bit. I'm back to a routine where I'm awake until 2 or 3 before I can fall asleep, and then I'm out of bed at around 11. I'm looking forward to having work back in my life, because I'm apparently happiest when I'm going to bed at sunrise on a somewhat regular basis.

I devoured the rest of Fifth Business today. It may be the best book I've read so far this year. Davies' narrative structuring and language are amazing, and he has such a wonderful flair for writing passionate dialogue. There are a few moments in the text where characters talk at length and it never once gets dull. I feel richer for having read it.

I wrote a little over a thousand words today. Every time I sit down to write I'm producing something new and different from the last time. I'm trying to get at a story. I know it's there somewhere, I just have to keep digging.

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