Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm starting to wish that the balcony construction workers would meet with some sort of "accident."

On the subject of apartments, I spent some time at Andrea's yesterday. Her room reminds me of the room she had on Lees and I want to barricade myself inside it for a week and not leave because her bed is so comfortable and I feel so secure there among her stuffed animals.

My back pain has localized to an annoying charlie-horse type pain in the back of my left leg. I can move around pretty freely if I don't think about it too much. I just have to keep stretching the area and not allow it to force me into walking funny.

I'm not having the greatest morning. Between the balcony construction, the off chance that someone JUST started using the dryer at 9:45 AM on a Tuesday and the fact that I want to be out of here by 1 PM so that the landlord can subject the apartment to "inspection," I want to burn this place to the ground. I think some meditation is in order.

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