Sunday, August 10, 2008

After scrambling to finish packing my things and leaving the apartment to catch a bus, I'm in Peterborough. My dad picked me up from the station. I spent the evening talking with my folks, telling them what I've been up to lately, getting filled in on what's new in their lives. We spoke lazily over Star Wars films that were showing on Space.

I'd like to get some reading and writing done this week. I've got about a hundred pages to go in Joe's book, and I packed my books on reading and narrative craft. No laptop, but I should be stretching my longhand muscle anyhow.

I was insatiably horny when I woke up this morning. There's a pillow on the bed that's stuffed with feathers and the calami kept poking me in the arm and face when I was trying to sleep. I could grab them and pull them right through the pillowcase. A very weird sensation, especially in the dark when I couldn't tell what they were.

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