The average human body is 65% water. Lean muscle tissue is 75% water. Body fat is 14% water. Bone is 22% water. And blood is 95% water. The human heart beats an average of almost 2.7 billion times over the course of 71 years. In a human life that long, the heart pumps 684,156 gallons of blood. About 650,000 gallons of that is water. Enough to fill a reservoir.
Waves are caused by a number of factors. Storms, quakes and strong winds drive water shoreward, along with the gravitational pulls of the sun and moon. Waves approaching a shoreline tend to break in various ways - the energy of the wave's forward motion destabilizes when it reaches a certain amplitude and the wave overtakes itself in a cresting motion. Lake Huron is home to over a thousand shipwrecks dating back to the mid-17th century. The Great Storm of 1913 raged for 16 hours and killed 235 men, sank ten ships, and sent over 20 more ashore.
Before a ship drops temporary anchor, a location should be scouted to conform to known and current weather conditions. Once decided upon, the location should be approached from down wind or down current, whichever is stronger. Scope must be determined based on water depth in order to configure whether or not the anchor chain will allow for the anchor to impact the sea bed from its point of release. Sandy mud, mud and clay, or firm sand compose ideal sea beds. Loose sand and soft mud are to be avoided.
An anchor must battle wind, currents and the vertical movements of waves. The nautical expression "anchor's aweigh" refers to the anchor's state of being neither stowed nor lodged in the sea bed, but simply hanging from the ship. Once the anchor sees impact, a smooth tension in the line as opposed to a series of jolts indicates digging. The ship's position must then be assessed to figure out if it must weigh anchor and move to a more ideal location.
On July 31st, 2008, the Phoenix spacecraft, currently conducting research on the surface of Mars, melted a collection of soil containing ice gathered from the planet's surface. It is the fist physical evidence obtained by humans that there is ice water on another planet. Further tests are currently being performed for carbon-containing chemicals, which will open further the possibility of life once existing - or someday existing - on Mars.
The day after Phoenix made its discovery, Norm Thorne passed away at Alexandra Hospital in Ingersoll, Ontario at the age of 71, surrounded by loved ones who stayed with him hours after his passing. That night, the skies opened up to let him in, covering the city of London and its surrounding areas with a deluge of rain and light.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
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