Saturday, June 21, 2008

I don't use Internet forums, but there are a few I check out from time to time, specifically the Ain't It Cool News forum, the CNN political ticker comments, and the IMDB forums. I don't know why I look at these, because they always leave me feeling kind of depressed and angry about how bitter, uninformed and just generally stupid humanity can be. Deep down I know the Internet is an amazing opportunity for people in a democracy to voice their opinions, but lately it strikes me that the Internet is making all opinions worthless via oversaturation. It's like eating a chocolate sundae. Eating a little bit of one is great. But you don't want to eat one that weighs two hundred pounds, because after awhile it starts to taste like shit. Nobody cares about your opinion, and yet everyone cares.

Andrea and I went to see Get Smart last night, which was quite funny. Leaving the apartment, I was able to take in a few of the last remaining hours of spring as the sun was setting, tossing a radiant glow into the grass and the grey cement of a street that had spent the last couple of weeks undergoing a frequent pounding of rain. I normally wait until I'm on the bus to pop in the headphones, but I needed music to accompany the moment. I put on "Strawberry Swing" from the new Coldplay album and it was perfect. Later on I played the song for Andrea and she said it was "summery," so I think she understood.

Before bed I wrote a near-2,500 word essay. It's part of a gift I'm giving someone.

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