Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm off until next Friday, which is nice, because I won't have to deal with the erratic practice of snoozing from 10 PM - midnight, watching Conan, catching the bus at 1:42 AM at Smyth, working until 6 AM, and then arriving home at around 6:30 AM (or later) to sleep until 1 (or until just before the Daily Show airs at 2).

It just dawned on me that when you break it down, my life really just revolves around my TV.

Yesterday I messed around with the Subtractor synth in Reason and used it to make raygun sounds. Purchase of keyboard officially justified. Andrea and I went to the Kamp Fringe event and drank disgusting beer while grooving to samba music. Sweet.

I might be going to Toronto for a week in July on a classroom assistant gig at Humber. More on that soon.

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