Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I hate looking for apartments, simply because I want to get it over with as quickly as possible so that I can stop thinking about it and know where I'll be in three months time. However, at this stage, I'm going to be picky. I looked at a place on Elgin today - great location and a good price - but it was too small, cramped and not very well lit. I can do better. As much as I'd like to go with the first place I see, I want to be happy with where I'll be living for the next year. So the hunt continues.

Last night I finished my work in about 20 minutes and sat around until 5 before I finally went home. My boss just emailed me to let me know that the Senate is working out a bill and won't really be sitting until next Tuesday, so I shouldn't bother coming in. As much as I appreciate having the job, I'm really going to be looking for some stability soon. I hope I can turn it into something worthwhile.

I hung out with Kat, Patrick and John last night for a bit and had a really good time. And here's the kicker: I knew Simon had moved into Kat's building, so I texted him to find out what apartment he was in, and he eventually replied: he's in the place directly across the hall from Kat's. The two should build an additional wall in the hallway and just leave their places open.

I'm having coffee with Rachael at 6 and then going to see Holy Fuck at Barrymore's with Andrea.


Rayanne said...

I saw Holy Fuck open for MIA on Monday. Good show.

Andrea Wrobel said...

Oh my! That would be incredible to see the two together!