Thursday, October 9, 2008

I finished the new song. I'll post it tomorrow. Andrea's going to take a pic of me first for the myspace page.

I also finished reading Mistress of the Sun. I suppose it was okay for what it was. I'm 100 words into the review, which will be vaguely positive, admitting that I don't know shit about 17th century France, so give it up for Sandra Gulland, who does.

I've been plugging away at French lessons, enjoying it. Last night Andrea came over and we ate pasta while watching Weird Science, an 80's teen flick that escaped my adolescence. I couldn't stop laughing at the scene where Bill Paxton voices the mound of talking gremlin shit or whatever Lisa turns him into. Seriously, I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard at something so stupid.

Going on a Haunted Walk tonight. It'll be a first.