Monday, October 20, 2008

I've schedule two appointments to test my French capabilities for a position I applied for with the Senate after Andrea suggested that I might as well do it and find out exactly how proficient I am. Tomorrow morning is the reading/writing test, and next Monday is the oral test. I envision the oral test going horribly. I can't SPEAK FRENCH, and I told the woman on the phone, but she said that part of the test wasn't mandatory for the position. Whatever.

It's going to be a busy week. I'm volunteering for the Writers Festival for a few days starting tomorrow night. This morning I sent off a short story to The Antigonish Review, the first story I've ever sent away for publication outside Ottawa. Now I get to play the waiting game that all writers play, fully expecting a rejection, and maybe some comments if I'm lucky.

I met up with Ash and Jen at Mod Club last night for a pint and a little dancing. I feel like an emeritus in that environment these days. It was fun to just hang out.

I've started reading Headhunter by Timothy Findley. Pretty incredible so far.

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