Monday, October 27, 2008

I got out of bed at 7:40 AM in time to attend my French oral test, which I, of course, failed with flying colours. As I sat in the waiting room the receptionist handed me a basic information questionnaire to fill out in French, and I couldn't complete the thing. The lady who administered the test was friendly and encouraging, and let me attempt to speak for six minutes in conversation before stopping the test. My final French test results: AAX. Requirements for the job that forced me into taking French tests: AAB. By the time I got home I had received both the results and a "better luck next time" note from the Senate in my email inbox.

As I started to ponder what, exactly, I would have to do to keep from starving to death come February, I received a phone call from the woman who tested me at the House of Commons for the transediting job two weeks ago. She invited me back for an interview on Wednesday, so apparently I performed well enough in the first round.

Real rollercoaster of a morning. I'd like to get this job. I'm in the nice, comfortable spot just before the inevitable interview where I know they must think I have promise, and I'm going to coast on the feeling before Wednesday, making sure I go in armed with a CV, recommendations and a smile. Wish me luck.

I ended up organizing Janet Leigh's Bad Luck with Motels for the day after my birthday. Andrea arrives back in Ottawa tonight and I'm leaving in ten minutes to meet her at the train station.

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