Sunday, October 26, 2008

I’ve been planning a themed movie night in my head for the past couple of weeks or so, a screening of Touch of Evil and Psycho. Touch of Evil, of course, is the Orson Welles film I spent months analyzing in Toronto last year, and it gets better with every viewing. It’s also a film that had a pretty direct influence on Psycho, which was released two years later to much higher acclaim. I bought special editions of both and I’m aching to watch them back-to-back with some folks who appreciate good films. I would call the night “Janet Leigh’s Bad Luck with Motels,” or something to that effect.

Ideally, I’d really like to have a movie night weekly, where I’d screen a movie in my living room and my friends could show up if they wanted to and we could go out and grab a beer afterward, just to have a night where I know I’d get to see people and hang out for a bit. I should do some field research and find out what night would typically be best.

Since I’m turning 29 soon, I’ve been tossing around ideas in my head of things I’d like to accomplish before I’m 30. Right now it’s small. I still get a kick out of trying new things, and I’m sure that desire will continue. I like the idea of having a year to cross things off a list. Like a bucket list, but without the death part.

Lua and I have been chilling out the past few nights in Andrea’s absence. She’s a glutton for attention.

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