Sunday, October 5, 2008

I got up at 8 AM this morning after Andrea left and thought, this is great, I'm up at a reasonable time. I went out and bought some groceries. On my way to Hartman's this guy in a wheelchair was crossing the street and signaled to me. He asked me to help him to the bus stop at Bank and Somerset, so I gave him a push.

I did my laundry but I couldn't stay awake and ended up napping for close to two hours. I'm still tired. I did, however, finish the first draft of the short story I've been working on, which is pretty damned exciting - it's the first I've finished since September of last year. Once I get it polished I'm going to send it out to publishers outside of the city.

I went to The Works last night with Andrea and Erin and had the Hold the Phone burger, aka one of the burgers they serve with peanut butter as a topping. It was delicious.

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